He is a great political philosopher and social scientist. He established a new brand political practice in South Asia for building peace and social Justice. He is the research fellow of the world largest campus Liberty University in Virginia. He is also a international human rights lawyer enrolled as a Foreign Legal Consultant in the State Bar of California. Michigan State Department issued a special license of social worker to him for his outstanding social contributions.
Golam Rabbani Nayan Bangalee is a dynamic leader and his ideology is Nelson Mendala . Golam sacrifices his whole life for ensuring democracy in Asian subcontinent. He was in jail for two years in Bangladesh and now he is self exile in USA for more than 10 years .
Golam completed his Masters in social work from the beat university of Bangladesh call Dhaka University’ and he stood first class first position and got a presidential gold medal . He also completed his second Masters in Law then enrolled as a Lawyer in Bangladesh Supreme Court ..
Golam is the only lawyer of Bangladesh who is renowned as an expert of Electoral Law and Justice. Political practice and election procedures his research and struggles areas and he will fight to ensure democracy and voting rights for his people .
Though Golam is a forced displaced but he is working to introduce his social work politics theory through out the world . He has a plan to visit in Nigeria and would like to introduce social work based politics here to empower social leader.
Based on his track records and dedication to humanities where different individuals and societies benefited from his generosity.These organizations and Academy decided to recognize and to appreciate his kind gestures collectively.
Nigeria's NGO in collaboration with Israel and India recognized Golam Rabbani Nayan Bangalee with valuable awards to appreciate his contributions towards,humanity,human rights,peace mission,media and education.
The event took place in Minna Niger State Nigeria and the program titled as "Global Celebration Ceremony” conducted to award Golam Rabbani Nayan Bangalee- for his outstanding political contributions for this world as an inventor of new concept leadership in the world and new version of politics (Social work politics ).
The organizations and Academy awarded him are:
Leeway Peace and Human Rights Foundation,
Notable Book of World Records Nigeria,
Lectern Peace and Human Rights Academy Nigeria,
Unison Dialogue Global Chain Nigeria,
Alliance of the Peoples of the World Israel/Russia,
World Human Rights and Peace Commission India.
He had been awarded with Global Educator Award
Global Peace and Leadership Award
Humanitarian Ambassador
Peace Advocate
Goodwill Ambassador
Most Distinguished Media Person in the World.
The presentation witnessed by Ibrahim Ahmad Khalil(Malam Bala)Former Nigeria Presidential Aspirant,Amb.Haladu Muhammad Organizing Secretary of Motion Picture Practitioners Association of Nigeria (Moppan),Amb.Dr.Haruna Salihu "Majidadin Wamban Minna"and among others.
The presentation took place ably by Prof.Buhari Isah.