By Awwal Umar Kontagora
Some Non Governmental Organizations NGO’s in Nigeria in collaboration with Israel and India, have recognized and presented a number of valuable awards to Golam Rabbani Nayan Bangalee to appreciate his contributions to Humanity, Human Rights, Peace Mission, Media and Education and also for his outstanding political contributions as an inventor of new concept leadership in the world and new version of politics (Social work politics).
The event took place recently at Gidan Matasa, the Niger State capital, the programme titled "Global Celebration Ceremony.”
The NGOs that presented the award were: Leeway Peace and Human Rights Foundation,
Notable Book of World Records, Nigeria, Lectern Peace and Human Rights Academy, Nigeria, Unison Dialogue Global Chain, Nigeria, Alliance of the Peoples of the World Israel/Russia, World Human Rights and Peace Commission, India.
Golam Rabbani was awarded with Global Educator Award, Global Peace and Leadership Award,
Humanitarian Ambassador, Peace Advocate, Goodwill Ambassador, and Most Distinguished Media Person in the World.
The presentation was made by Prof. Buhari Isah.